Melissa Lucio Daughter Autopsy Photos: 9 Facts You Should Know About This Innocent Woman Facing Execution

Publish date: 2023-01-25

Melissa Lucio Daughter Autopsy Photos: Melissa Lucio’s daughters’ autopsy photos got released, indicating that the incident was a tragic accident rather than a murder. Find out more about the case.

Melissa Lucio, a middle-aged mother, received the death penalty for allegedly murdering her two-year-old son.

Melissa Lucio Daughter Autopsy Photos: 9 Facts You Should Know About This Innocent Woman Facing Execution

Many people believe Lucio’s case is a clear case of injustice, while others believe she deserved the punishments. According to a lawyer on Lucio’s appellate defense team, Melissa is innocent.

During Lucio’s 2008 trial, prosecutors claimed she beat her daughter Mariah to death. Melissa’s execution date is set for April 27, 2022. The death date is less than 50 days away.

"It would be an absolutely devastating message if this execution went forward. It would send a message that innocence doesn't matter." @VanessaPotkin #SaveMelissaLucio

— The Innocence Project (@innocence) March 23, 2022

However, according to reports, the 2-year-old had a physical disability that caused her to walk unsteadily. This resulted in her falling down a steep flight of stairs two days before her death.

Many high-ranking officials and doctors claim that a corrupt prosecutor used a statement coerced by an overly zealous Texas Ranger to horrify Lucio into confessing the killing.

Photos: Melissa Lucio Daughter Mariah Alvarez Autopsy

 Melissa Lucio’s daughter Mariah Alvarez’s autopsy photos got released earlier, and the results are unconvincing to experts like Dr. Thomas Young.

According to Dr. Young, Melissa Lucio should not be executed because he believes she is innocent. He also stated that Lucio’s execution would be a terrible tragedy.

The @Innocence Project points out that five jurors now question their verdict that Melissa Lucio killed her daughter.

Lucio's team will ask the public to send messages to Gov. Abbott and the TX Board of Pardons + Paroles.

Her execution is 4/27.

— Maurice Chammah (@MauriceChammah) March 22, 2022

Dr. Young, a forensic specialist with over 20 years of experience, has seen countless forensic science practices that result in wrongful convictions. And he believes that’s exactly what’s going on in Lucios’ case.

The forensic expert believes that the person who initially reviewed Lucio’s case and the medical examiner who performed Mariah’s autopsy both made mistakes.

He says that officials who were involved in the case jumped to conclusions while ignoring the evidence that pointed to Mariah’s death as a result of an accident.

Melissa Lucio Husband Robert Antonio Alvarez

Melissa Lucio married at the age of 16 and gave birth to her first kid a year later. Her first husband was abusive towards her and had abandoned her.

Melissa Lucio married at the age of 16 and gave birth to her first kid a year later. Her first spouse had dumped her and was violent to her.

Meet Robert Antonio Alvarez Melissa Lucio Husband: Inside The Family Life And Daughter Of The Death Row Texas

— Aditi Rai (@Aditi_OnTheGo) March 6, 2022

She had then moved in with another man named Robert Antonio Alvarez. Robert, like Lucio’s first husband, was aggressive.

Melissa already had eleven children when she gave birth to Mariah. She was also impoverished and battling drug addiction.

However, despite all this, Lucio worked to meet the family’s needs. She had planned to regain custody of all her kids.

9 Facts You Should Know About This Innocent Woman Facing Execution

In 2008, Melissa Lucio was sentenced to death in Texas for the murder of her 2-year old daughter Mariah, who died two days after a tragic fall down a flight of stairs. In shock and grieving the loss of her baby — the youngest of her 12 children at the time — Ms. Lucio was taken into police custody and immediately blamed for her daughter’s death.

  1.  Mariah’s death was a tragic accident not a murder.
  2.  Melissa has maintained her innocence for 14 years. 
  3.  The state presented no evidence that Melissa abused any of her children.
  4.  Melissa is a survivor of a lifetime of sexual abuse and domestic violence.
  5.  Melissa was coerced by police the same night her daughter died.
  6.  The jury did not hear Melissa’s defense.
  7.  Cameron County D.A. Armando Villalobos was running for re-election and seeking a “win.” He is now serving a 13-year federal prison sentence for bribery and extortion.
  8.  Melissa’s wrongful conviction has torn her family apart.
  9.  Speak out before Texas makes an irreversible mistake — time is running out. 

The Cameron County’s new district attorney, the courts, the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles, and Gov. Abbott must undertake a meaningful review of Ms. Lucio’s innocence claim, the coercive tactics used in her interrogation, and the tragic circumstances of Mariah’s accidental death, before an irreversible injustice occurs.